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Total Professional Service Marketers Documentary (Service Marketer Membership Annual Gathering)

Every May, we organize high-end offline B2B professional service marketer event on annual basis, attracting a lot of service marketing members and our existing clients to join. It is one day event. During the event, we are getting more sharing on professional service marketing and the rich study to share. The Total Professional Service Marketers (TPSM) Documentary is bringing featured marketing updates like white paper, KOL video collections and etc. It is conducted in many interactive sessions like interview and panel.
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World B2B Marketing Chief Congress (B2B Marketer Membership Annual Gathering)

Start in 2011, we organize high-end offline B2B marketer events on annual basis, attracting 400+ Marketing Opinion Leaders speakers and 1,000+ Marketers to participate. Epic event - World B2B Marketing Chief Congress is hosted in every January to showcase key trends and best practices of b2b marketing, communication, branding and PR. It is a threes day event. There are over 8,000 b2b markers subscribed to the event update and it keeps growing. Business insights and great networking opportunity are realized via event lifecycle (O2O) at EleKungfu platform and KOL interviews will be publicized at CONTENT100 platform.
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88 IP Festival

88 IP Festival is a online event for KOLs at August 8 every year. We will promote it though WeChat, official website, CONTENT100 Platform, EDM and advertisement to celebrate the festival. Till now, there are over 500 featured KOLs(CMO,CIO,CHO,ect.)and over 1,000 KOL interview videos at different content communities of CONTENT100. Creative ideas and business thoughts will be conducted within the promotion of 100 IPs in order to make Individual Brand IP be the new generation of business socialization. We believe the convergence of contents from individual and company will build a business socialization ecosystem and Individual Brand IP will become a slash for CXO in the future.Our concept is “Your IP Makes Wealth”.Today, CONTENT100 is devoted to solving the problem of information asymmetric in content economics. The value is returned to KOLs which was extraordinarily deprived by intermediaries. Hence, enterprises are exploring the new way of resources cooperation and get through the modern marketing bottlenecks via great convergence.
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Series Professional Service Marketer Gathering

At monthly base, we organize high-end offline B2B professional service marketer events, half-day program, to discussion the pain points on leads generation and content communication and strategic marketing. There will be 20+ marketing directors invited to participate from different outsourcing, management consulting and advisory firms who are in different management sectors like Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance & Accounting, Logistics & Supply Chain, Legal and so on.
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