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Empower Business IP Branding And Meet Enterprises Random Demands​​
To B Professional Service Industry
IP Marketing
A creative C2B model based on WeChat Mini Program improving the cooperation between Individual Business IP and enterprises in various ways
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Empower Business IP Branding And Meet Enterprises Random Demands​​
Individual Brand IP is the new generation of business socialization. iShare program is a creative C2B model to fit into new content economics and empower Individual Brand IP. IP Marketing could be applicated in multi mini-sharing content programs including in-house training,external speech, market research and consulting program. IP Marketing based on CONTENT100, third party endorsement, breakthrough four bottlenecks of making content business: business module, marketing channel, marketing campaign and expertise demo.
Meanwhile, the company can choose suitable IPs to help solve the problems and breakthrough the bottlenecks in different stages by “iShare” program (in-house training, external speech, consulting program, market research, content co-creation and flow attraction).Compared with the trainers of traditional consulting company, IPs has richer practical experience and strategic thinking since they are at their post from the famous companies. So they can help enterprises to overcome difficulties in actual situation and project landing.
IP Marketing

For Enterprise Building Up IP Think Tanks

  • Help enterprise choose suitable Business IPs
  • Obtain professional Party A's content and vertical traffic
  • Get professional insights, suggestions and strategic planning consulting cross field
  • Traget marketing for leads generation by IP personal influence
IP Enablement Project
Survey:Project-oriented survey, Insight, Questionnaire
Speech:Inner training or offline/online event endorsement
IP Referral Program
Reference:Post pointed advertorial or poster on own social media with reference opinions
Settlement according to the real result
IP Marketing

For Business IPs Letting No World Apart

  • Empower Business IP Branding
  • Networking to Build Relationships Networking to Build Relationships
  • Make Knowledge And Influence Value Realization

IP Voice

  • CONTENT100给怀有成长和分享激情的行业人才打开了一扇窗,我们可以有机会把积淀的才华梳理和呈现出来,还有机会为个性的需求以更有效更灵活的方式对接优质资源。

    Mr. George Zhang 张志胜
  • 大家好,我是Susan。我因Raisin与CONTENT100的IP项目结缘。当我从Raisin口中第一次听到CONTENT100 IP大咖网蓝社区项目时,就立刻被吸引了,这真是一个紧握时代脉搏的好项目。世界进入了大数据和元宇宙时代,我们的知识共享有了无限的创新形式。每一个人在这个时代潮流中,终将以一个个体的IP身份,与世界接轨。
    我在职场工作了二十多年,一直没有停止对世界的好奇和探索。在HR领域,尤其是组织变革与发展、绩效管理、人才评估与发展、组织文化建设等方面,积累了企业发展不同阶段的实践经验。以个人IP的身份,不仅可以在CON TENT100的平台上,与各界朋友分享经验和所思所获,还同时向自己斜杆人生的目标迈进了一步。

    Ms.Susan Sun 孙薇
  • 大家好,我是Lucy,来自于欧司朗汽车照明,是亚太的市场总监,谈到CONTENT100,我是一个很机缘巧合的机会,Gordon给我打了一个电话,非常充满创业激情,给我介绍了CONTENT100 IP的计划,我当时就被吸引了,我觉得他可以为我们所有想做斜杠青年的职场人提供一个平台,而且他们的执行力是非常快的。基本上打完电话以后的第二天,我就去他们的整个的一个创业团队,去做了一个很简短的介绍和视频的录制,我觉得执行力强,还有他们的一个创业激情真正的打动了我。

    Ms. Lucy Feng 冯卓
IP Marketing

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  • Apply to be a Business IP
  • Apply to cooperate with Business IPs
  • IP Community
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