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Why Choose Global ConsignIndex

As ConsignIndexer, you are to be self-learning and self-motivation.
Young and fresh graduates will receive systematic training school, e-learning and project-based education. Employees working with us over 2 years will have opportunity to join senior management team and become the project leader or heads of domain business units.
Business Unit Transfer Scheme: Employees have chance to re-direct career path based on experience and personal interest. In ConsignIndex, employees are encouraged to meditate and develop. Senior executives will be granted relocation program to supervise operation in other regions. We wish employees can find the most suitable position and set foot on the right career path. This industry is surely promising and we are to leading its development in the region. Join us and find out more.
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Business Development

已有客户维护和新客户开拓。侧重于数字化营销系统平台以及精准营销获客ABM方案的KA拓展。每年按照业绩考核完成个人指标和团队指标。& 项目执行团队和客户成功团队的协同。参与定期的线下活动及拜访。以及盘活已有资源,进行交叉销售和围绕大客户营销:

Marketing Project Consultant

精准2B营销活动落地和目标客群的需求挖掘,职场网蓝IP KOL意见领袖引流与内容共创,每周至客户的项目推进更新& B2B生态领域商业社交化数据分析:

Marketing Assistant
