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Full-Stack Digital Platform Platform For To B Professional Service Industry

Integrated Marketing Solution

Digital Growth Marketing Based On Content Syndication Campaign Program

Consolidating influencer marketing, marketing automation
technology, media & target marketing resources into one
program for leads generation and demand generation


Full-Stack Digital Platform
for marketing integration to
realize marketing-driven growrh


High quality content to improve content marketing and help enterprise be thought leader

Leads Generation

Targeted marketing
and generate leads via online and offline

Martechip Plan

Digital Growth Marketing Based On Content Syndication Campaign Program
Guarantee results
Obtain MQLs stably and sustainably
Targeted content marketing in vertical groups/
Communities with IP marketing and media placement
Build a private marketing customer journey
Marketing automation for leads nurturing and conversion
Agency Operations


Corporate Digital Marketing Full-Stack Platform to Improve Marketing Performance
Event Management System
Omni channel acquisition and O2O user behavior tracking
Content Management System
Multiple content for leads & engagement
Social CRM
Build the flow cell for full lifecycle engagement
Marketing Automation System
Personalized marketing empower nurturing strategies
Sales Enablement System
Sales & marketing alignment, high conversion with leads routing

IP Marketing

Empower Business IP Branding And Satisfy Enterprises Fragmental Demands Based on Mini Program
Business IP Marketing Solution is using creative C2B business module to connect business IP with enterprises fragmental demands and helps companies solve the problem of lacking content; traffic and other resources.
Help companies find right KOLs:
in-house training/external speech/consulting program/market research
/content co-creation/flow attraction
Target marketing through KOLs’ content and individual influences
Empower KOLs to be successful in the IP economy by their professional insight and vertical flow.

Omni-Channel Target Marketing

Effective Leads Generation and Demand Generation For High Average Transaction Value Products and Services
Targeting Recruit Specific Clients with Wish List at Top Management Level
B2B Demand Generation
Shorten Sales Selling Cycle
8+ Vertical Industries
6+ Main Regions
Various CXO Functions
Main Service
Private Event CXO Recruitment

Featured Resource

Huge numbers of B2B KOLs from “Party A” companies
Senior Executive at the position of HR, IT, Finance & Accounting, Supply Chain, Marketing, Admin, Legal and so on
Business IP KOLs
Active Community Members
On the Job from “Party A” companies
Vertical Industries
Professional Service Industry

Featured Customers

Help Over 500 Clients Realize Marketing-Driven Growth

Featured Events

Total Professional Service Marketers (TPSM) Documentary

Series executive gathering of professional service marketers regularly run to discuss the hot topics. TPSM Documentary is hosted every midyear with over 200 professional service marketers attending

World B2B Marketing Chief Congress (CC)

Since 2011, every January, we organize the B2B marketers top premier congress in Shanghai with over 100+ marketing KOLs as prominent speakers and 400+ marketing executives as delegates.

88 IP Festival

“88 IP Festival” at August 8th every year is specific for featured Business IP KOLs.Creative ideas and business thoughts will be conducted within the promotion of IP KOLs in order to make Individual Brand IP be the new generation of business socialization.

Latest Events & Webinars

GCI Insights

Whitepaper:Professional Service Marketing 2022-2023——Guide to Influencer Marketing in To B Professional Service Industry

KOL Insights
New Cooperation Models
Breaking Through The Bottleneck of Marketing Resources

Start Your Marketing-Driven Growth Journey

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